Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Is there an LGA?

I was fumbling through my little black lip gloss bag, not make up bag, lip gloss bag...to find the pinky beige color du jour this morning. It occurred to me as I settled on Gilly Hicks 'Bondi Sand', that I am in fact a Lip Gloss addict. I am carrying seven varying shades of pinky beige and one bright sheer pink. And I seriously have to "decide" which one of these GOES with my mood, outfit, makeup of the day.  Seriously??
The scary part is that this is what is in my bag TODAY...I have probably 50-60 more of these beauties at home in various other bags just waiting to be rotated into the black bag.
I never really think about such things until someone says something so hateful as "How many lipglosses do you have?" or "how many pairs of black shoes do you really need?". Which, by the way is an infinite amount in my book.
Although looking at the picture above they may look very similar, to me, each shade of pinky beige, beigy pink, mauve, mauvey pink are all very different. Each has a little different texture and flavor.
Plus, I'm a lucky girl right now to be dating someone who actually likes to kiss a girl with fresh lipgloss! But, tomorrow it may be Smashbox 'Pout' because he's going on a week long trip.

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